Amid all the great feminist icons of our time — Alice Walker, Gloria Steinem, Malala Yousafzai and hell, every pop star/female serial killer on stan Twitter — yet another woman has emerged, ready to shatter glass ceilings and herald a new world of gender equality: A now-viral Mugshawty arrested in Joker makeup.

Though it remains unclear what, exactly, this drunk Joker cosplayer did to get arrested for public intoxication during her wild Halloween celebration, it appears she couldn’t come to grips with the fact that we live in a society … with laws on drunk conduct,

landing in the slammer with the remains of her painted-on cosplay.

In the split second the officer snapped her mugshot, our wannabe Heath Ledger, Joaquin Phoenix or (hopefully not) Jared Leto managed to make history, joining the ever-growing list of men arrested while dressed as the divisive Batman villain.

But even with this impressive achievement, one aligning her with the likes of this guy, this guy, this guy and even this guy, the newly-minted perp still faced her fair share of sexism, several flocking to the comments to sound off on her appearance rather than her earnest accomplishment.

“I'd let her intoxicate me,” wrote one Twitter commenter.

“Staying in character. She's a ride or die chic,” added another fan on Instagram.

But even these reductive remarks can’t undo the truth underscoring this woman's — nay, icon’s — rise to Mugshawty stardom: She’s the hero we need and deserve.